CAFE in Mito
(Communicable Action for Everybody)

August 10 (Sat.) to September 23 (Mon)

9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Closed on Mondays.

Venue: Contemporary Art Gallery
Admission: 800 yen General, 600 yen

Mito Arts Foundation
1-6-8 Goken-cho, Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken,
310-0063 Japan
Phone: +81-29-227-8111
Fax: +81-29-227-8110
Mail to:

Takagi Masakatsu (i1979. kyoto )

Mito Contemporary Art Gallery (room7)
Takagi will create [ light park ], the park surrounded by light and sound,
in Mito Contemporary Art Gallery.

image ( Light Park )2001-2002

I'm going to join in the exhibition, CAFE in Mito, japan.
I'll show the video installation [ light park ], which I've been considering so long time...
Using 4 or 6 video projector, I want to surround the room with video images and sound.
Also I'll put a real see-saw or something like that kind of playthings in the room.
I hope you can enjoy and get relax in my [ light park ].

takagi masakatsu 2002.7.11

plan note
japanese text >

photo review >